Media release
- 2018-19 Solar Feed-in tariff for regional Queensland
- 2019–20 Solar Feed-in tariff for regional Queensland
- 2021–22 Solar feed-in tariff for regional Queensland
- A busy year for reform in Queensland
- A new approach to evaluating industry assistance
- An innovative approach to funding new infrastructure
- Aquaculture review to cut red tape - have your say
- Aurizon Network's 2014 draft access undertaking
- Carbon-exclusive regional feed-in tariff
- Coal Seam Gas Inquiry - Have Your Say
- Coal seam gas review helping reduce red tape
- Consolidated Draft Decision - Aurizon Network's 2014 DAU
- Customers can benefit from competition in the south-east Queensland retail electricity market
- Cutting red tape to boost Queensland aquaculture
- Dr Malcolm Roberts resigns as chairman of the Queensland Competition Authority
- Draft Decision - 2014 Draft Access Undertaking
- Draft decision: Maximum Allowable Revenue
- Draft decision: Queensland Rail's 2013 DAU
- Draft decision released on DBCTM's 2015 DAU
- Draft Decision Released on DBCT's Ring-fencing Arrangements
- Draft determination of 2020–21 regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland
- Draft determination of regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland in 2024-25
- Draft determination on 2019–20 regional electricity prices
- Draft determination of 2021–22 regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland
- Draft determination on regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland, 2022–23
- Draft determination: supplementary regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland in 2020–21
- Draft report: electricity prices for regional customers in 2015-16
- Draft Report - Gladstone Area Water Board
- Effective, low cost regulation for SEQ water retailers
- Electricity prices 2014-15
- Electricity Prices for 2016-17
- Electricity prices in regional Queensland
- Electricity prices to rise sharply in 2013-14
- Ergon Energy Queensland overcharging large regional businesses
- Fair and Reasonable Solar Feed-in Tariffs for Queensland
- Final decision released on DBCTM's 2015 DAU
- Final irrigation pricing recommendations released
- Final Report: Monitoring of SEQ water retailers 2013-15
- Gladstone Area Water Board prices for 2015-20
- Guaranteed Service Level scheme
- Helping customers find the best electricity deal
- Industry assistance in Queensland
- Initial steps in rural irrigation price review
- Irrigation pricing review draft now available for stakeholder feedback
- Irrigation pricing review draft now available for stakeholder feedback
- Irrigation pricing review for regional Queensland
- Mackay Conservation Group request for declaration of the Carmichael Rail Network
- Mount Isa workshop: electricity price in 2014-15
- New Chief Executive Officer announced
- New timetable for final decision on Aurizon Network undertaking
- News And Media
- Origin Energy late payment fees
- Origin Energy to reimburse fees charged to electricity customers in south east Queensland
- Price Disparities for Disability Aids and Equipment - Have Your Say
- Price disparities for disability aids and equipment
- Price monitoring of SEQ water retailers: 2012-13
- Price monitoring of SEQ water retailers: 2013-15
- Pricing principles proposed for SEQ water retailers
- QCA Chair to finish in June
- QCA charts a new era of economic regulation
- QCA final decision on Aurizon Network's Standard User Funding Agreement
- QCA implements a Performance Framework
- QCA publishes final decision on Aurizon Network's 2014 draft access undertaking
- QCA recommends new prices for SEQ irrigators
- QCA recommends regional QLD solar feed-in tariff
- QCA releases decision on Queensland Rail's 2015 DAU
- QCA releases Final Determination on regulated retail electricity prices for 2015-16
- QCA releases final determination on regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland for 2019–20
- QCA sets regional QLD solar feed-in tariff
- QCA sets regional Queensland solar feed-in tariff for 2015-16
- Queensland Competition Authority CEO to Retire
- Queensland Competition Authority draft decision on regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland in 2016-17
- Queensland Competition Authority welcomes new CEO
- Queensland electricity prices expected to rise in 2013-14
- Reducing Red Tape - QCA's Coal Seam Gas Review
- Regional QLD solar feed-in tariff to rise
- Regional QLD solar feed-in tariff
- Regional solar feed-in tariff for 2016-17
- Regulated electricity prices for 2014-15 released
- Regulated electricity prices - post carbon tax
- Regulated Retail Electricity Prices 2015-16
- Regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland from 1 July 2021
- Regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland in 2016-17
- Regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland in 2017-18
- Regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland in 2020–21
- Regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland in 2022–23
- Regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland in 2023-24: draft determination
- Regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland in 2023–24
- Regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland in 2024-25
- Regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland in 2025–26
- Request for declaration of the Carmichael rail network
- Review of Gladstone Area Water Board's 2015-20 prices
- Review of QLD aquaculture regulation: Draft Report
- Review of QLD Government Industry Assistance announced
- Review of Regulated Retail Electricity Prices for 2015-16
- SEQ retail electricity market monitoring
- SEQ retail electricity market monitoring 2017/18
- SEQ retail electricity market monitoring
- SEQ retail electricity market monitoring for 2016-17
- SEQ retail electricity market monitoring - September 2018 quarter
- SEQ retail electricity market monitoring
- SEQ Solar FiT Report 2017-18
- SEQ's bulk water price settings for 2018-21 up for comment
- Seqwater bulk water price review 2018-21 - final report released
- Simpler, cheaper regulation for SEQ water retailers
- Solar feed-in tariff for regional Queensland in 2022–23
- Solar feed-in tariff for regional Queensland in 2023-24
- Solar feed-in tariffs in south east Queensland in 2021–22
- Solar feed-in tariffs in south-east Queensland in 2023–24
- South east Queensland bulk water prices 2015-18
- South east Queensland bulk water prices: 2015-18
- South east Queensland market monitoring report 2016-17
- South east Queensland solar feed-in tariff report 2016-17
- Supplementary regulated retail electricity tariffs for regional Queensland in 2020–21
- The QCA concludes its irrigation price review
- The south-east Queensland retail electricity market remains competitive
- Warning Notice issued to Ergon Distribution
- Workshops commence on expected electricity price for 2014-15
- QCA - home page
- Accessibility
- Careers
- Climate change expenditure review 2022–23
- Competitive neutrality complaints
- Contact
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- Welcome to our new website
- Aurizon Network's 2016 access undertaking (UT4)
- Aurizon Network's 2016–17 capital expenditure claim
- 2017 Electric traction DAAU
- Adjustment charges
- April 2017 Extension DAAU
- April 2018 Extension DAAU
- Capacity assessments
- Condition-based assessment
- June 2017 EC Tariff DAAU
- 2018 Electric traction DAAU
- Compliance notice to Aurizon Network (March 2018)
- Minerva Pricing DAAU
- Moura system DAAU
- Extension DAAU October 2018
- Reference tariff adjustments
- Regulatory asset base roll-forward
- Revenue adjustment amounts
- September 2017 Extension DAAU
- System rules
- Aurizon Network's 2017 access undertaking (UT5)
- RAB roll-forward
- Electric traction DAAU 2019
- Adjustment charges
- Annual reference tariff review
- Aurizon Network's 2019 volume reset DAAU
- Consolidation DAAU
- Maintenance cost claim
- Revenue adjustment
- System rules
- Blackwater system forecasts DAAU
- Capacity assessment
- Capital expenditure claim
- Concept Study DAAU
- Developing regulatory arrangements for UT6
- Electric energy charge DAAU
- GAPE and Newlands pricing DAAU
- Guidance paper on pricing of shared infrastructure
- Infrastructure rebates and GAPE RCS DAAU
- Insurance DAAU
- Maintenance and Cross System Voting DAAU
- Maintenance strategy and budget
- Meteor Downs South pricing DAAU
- Minerva DAAU
- Private incremental costs
- Rebate Mechanism DAAU
- Reference tariff adjustments
- Reference tariff adjustments
- Reference tariff variation DAAU
- Reset Schedule F values
- Review of the rebate mechanism
- Review of the independent expert
- Standard Rail Connection Agreement
- Aurizon Network's 2017 draft access undertaking
- Costing manual
- Previous access undertakings
- 2001 access undertaking (UT1)
- 2005 draft access undertaking
- 2006 access undertaking (UT2)
- 2008 access undertaking (UT2)
- 2009 draft access undertaking
- 2010 access undertaking (UT3)
- Alternative access charge
- Alternative standard access agreements
- Annual review of reference tariffs
- Asset base roll-forward
- Blackwater Electric Traction Pricing DAAUs
- Capital expenditure
- Condition-based assessment
- Cost allocation manual
- Customer voting
- Workshop on UT4 and references tariffs
- Extension DAAUs
- Proposed access conditions: Wiggins Island Rail Project
- Proposed incentive mechanism
- Reference tariff adjustments
- Regulatory audits
- Revenue cap adjustments
- Standard rail connection agreement
- System rules
- Transfer fees
- 2010 draft access undertaking
- 2013 draft access undertaking
- 2014 draft access undertaking
- Climate change expenditure
- Competitive neutrality
- Customers
- Advanced digital metering
- Consumer Advisory Committee
- Regional electricity prices
- Previous reviews
- Regulated electricity prices for regional Queensland 2019–20
- UTP and regional Queensland electricity price regulation review 2014
- Regulated electricity prices 2007–08
- Regulated electricity prices 2008–09
- Regulated electricity prices 2009–10
- Regulated electricity prices 2010–11
- Regulated electricity prices 2011–12
- Regulated electricity prices 2012–13
- Regulated electricity prices 2013–14
- Regulated electricity prices 2014–15
- Regulated electricity prices 2015–16
- Regulated electricity prices for regional Queensland 2016–17
- Regulated electricity prices for regional Queensland 2017–18
- Regulated electricity prices for regional Queensland 2018–19
- Regulated electricity prices for regional Queensland 2020-21
- Regulated electricity prices for regional Queensland 2021–22
- Regulated electricity prices for regional Queensland 2022–23
- Regulated electricity prices for regional Queensland 2023–24
- Regulated electricity prices for regional Queensland 2024–25
- Regulated electricity prices for regional Queensland 2025–26
- Supplementary electricity pricing review 2020–21
- Previous reviews
- Impact of the carbon tax and RET
- Schedule 8 review (Electricity Regulation 2006)
- SEQ retail electricity market monitoring
- Market monitoring report 2020–21
- Market monitoring report 2021–22
- Market monitoring report 2022–23
- Market monitoring report 2023–24
- Market monitoring reports 2016–17
- Market monitoring reports 2017–18
- Market monitoring reports 2018–19
- Market monitoring reports 2019–20
- Retail electricity prices in south east and regional Queensland
- Solar feed-in tariffs
- SEQ feed-in tariff monitoring 2018–19
- Regional Queensland feed-in tariff 2018–19
- SEQ feed-in tariff monitoring 2019–20
- Previous reviews
- Review into a fair and reasonable feed-in tariff 2013
- Regional Queensland feed-in tariff 2014–15
- Regional Queensland feed-in tariff 2015–16
- Monitoring of SEQ solar FiTs 2016–17
- Regional Queensland feed-in tariff 2016–17
- Monitoring of SEQ solar FiTs 2017–18
- Regional Queensland feed-in tariff 2017–18
- Regional Queensland feed-in tariff 2019–20
- Time-varying solar price for 2018–19
- Time-varying solar price for regional Queensland 2017–18
- Regional Queensland feed-in tariff 2020–21
- Regional Queensland feed-in tariff 2022–23
- Regional Queensland feed-in tariff 2024–25
- Regional Queensland feed-in tariff 2025–26
- Regional Queensland feed-in tariff 2021–22
- Regional Queensland feed-in tariff 2023–24
- SEQ feed-in tariff monitoring 2020–21
- SEQ feed-in tariff monitoring 2021–22
- SEQ feed-in tariff monitoring 2022–23
- SEQ feed-in tariff monitoring 2023–24
- Regional Queensland time-varying solar price 2019–20
- National Energy Customer Framework
- Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal
- DBCT's 2006 access undertaking
- DBCT's 2010 access undertaking
- DBCT 2010 access undertaking
- Extension DAAU April 2016
- ARR increase: 1 Jan–30 Jun 2011
- ARR roll-forward 2015–16 and 2014–15 NECAP
- ARR roll-forward 2016–17
- The QCA's regulatory fee
- DBCT post-85 mtpa
- Differential pricing DAAU
- NECAP approval process DAAU
- Non-expansion capital expenditure
- Ring-fencing DAAU November 2015
- Ring-fencing DAAU October 2015
- Outstanding costs
- RL1 insurance proceeds
- DBCT's 2017 access undertaking
- DBCT's 2015 draft access undertaking
- DBCT's 2019 draft access undertaking
- DBCT's 2021 access undertaking
- Declared infrastructure
- Disputes
- Gas Distribution Network Code
- Inflation forecasting
- Make a competitive neutrality complaint
- Our role
- Our role
- Gas
- Our role
- Our role
- Our role
- Queensland Rail
- Queensland Rail 2016 access undertaking
- Queensland Rail's 2020 draft access undertaking
- Previous access undertakings
- Queensland Rail's costing manual
- Queensland Rail's costing manual
- Queensland Rail’s 2025 DAU
- Queensland Rail’s 2020 access undertaking (AU2)
- Queensland-wide issues
- Rate of return matters
- Register your interest to attend an information session
- Archive
- Retailers and distributors
- Electricity Distribution Network Code
- Electricity Industry Code
- Guaranteed service level payments and reports
- Market reports and statistics
- Review of distributors' 2015–20 draft regulatory proposals
- Reviews of distribution reliability standards and the GSL scheme
- Rural water
- Burdekin Haughton water supply scheme 2003
- Irrigation price investigation 2025–29
- Irrigation price investigation 2020–24
- Seqwater irrigation prices 2013–17
- Irrigation prices 2013–17
- Seqwater's water supply schemes
- Sunwater irrigation prices 2012–17
- Irrigation prices 2012–17
- Sunwater water supply schemes
- Barker Barambah
- Bowen Broken Rivers
- Boyne River and Tarong
- Bundaberg
- Burdekin Haughton
- Callide Valley
- Chinchilla Weir
- Cunnamulla
- Dawson Valley and Theodore
- Eton
- Lower Fitzroy
- Lower Mary River
- Macintyre Brook
- Maranoa River
- Mareeba Dimbulah
- Nogoa Mackenzie and Emerald
- Pioneer River
- Proserpine River
- St George
- Three Moon Creek
- Upper Burnett
- Upper Condamine
- Standard underwriting agreement
- Urban bulk water