Customer voting

Past review
Final report

Under Aurizon Network’s 2010 access undertaking, we could preapprove the scope of Aurizon Network’s capital expenditure in the central Queensland coal network—if the nature of the works was detailed in Aurizon Network’s master planning; and if at least 60% of affected customers did not oppose the scope of works.

Customer vote on the 2010 master plan

On 19 May 2011, we approved Aurizon Network’s application, on the basis that it complied with the relevant requirements of the access undertaking.

Following a customer vote process completed in February 2011, Aurizon Network sought preapproval from us for the scope of $350 million of capital projects (nine individual projects) included in its 2010 master plan for the central Queensland coal network.

It did not seek preapproval for the scope of $1.1 billion of capital projects, including the Goonyella to Abbot Point Expansion (GAPE), included in the master plan and put to customer vote, as it failed to receive the required level of support from affected customers.
