Transfer fees

Past review
Final report

Under the relevant access agreements, access holders must pay Aurizon Network a transfer fee to relinquish or transfer access rights or initiate capacity transfers.

UT2 Transfer fees

On 20 October 2015, we received a joint letter from Pacific National, Rio Tinto and Aurizon Network seeking approval of a proposed change to the way the parties applied, and the QCA treated, short-term transfer fees under UT2 access agreements.

Transfer fees affect revenue adjustment amounts. The issue was discussed in our final decision on QR Network’s 2010 DAU.

We sought comments from stakeholders on the matters covered in this letter (available for download below), by 18 December 2015. We received submissions from Anglo American, Asciano, Aurizon Operations, BMA, Rio Tinto and Wealth Resources. These submissions are available for download below. We provided in-principle approval of the proposal. This decision is also available for download below.
